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The Premier A Cappella Group of James Madison University

Founded in 1996 by J.R. Snow and Dave Keller, The Madison Project is James Madison University's premier a cappella group. We have a deeply rooted dedication to the education, performance, and recording of fine a cappella music. The Madison Project has received several awards, been featured on compilation albums such as Best of College A cappella and Voices Only, and has toured up and down the east coast! Aside from the music, The Madison Project is first and foremost a brotherhood. New members are submerged into a 100+ alumni base, where lifelong relationships are then created.
"We're just a group who likes to sing, trying to make it honest. Ya know, getting out there, dancin' and singing up on people, making 'em feel dangerous."
*Photo taken by Lexie Burns (@lexieburnsphotography)
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